Psalm 67: Prosperity Gospel

A gentleman, sporting luxurious hair, an Armani suit and Ferragamo shoes, steps onto the stage. “Something good is going to happen to you today,” he intones with a stylish southern accent. “If you will just believe, anything is possible—God (pronounced “Gauhwwd”) wants to bless you with the abundance of his riches. Can you say, ‘Amen’?”

For unknown reasons, a few people with flashy faith get blessed with a whole bunch of stuff. The rest of us gawk and wonder: why do THEY get so much, when the rest of us have to struggle through just getting by?

Psalm 67 is a little psalm of abundant blessing. It’s a quick offering of thanks for the lavish goodness of God. We might read it and wonder: where are my big blessings?

God often blesses us in ways we don’t quickly see or easily appreciate. The blessings of cheerful friends, a quiet spirit, a supportive family, a comfortable home, an enduring faith, an encouraging church, or meaningful work (to name just a few) are most certainly not “flashy”. Yet an abundance of blessings such as these might be God’s most rewarding gifts. Underneath it all, Jesus invites us to eternally experience the grace and love of God–the most extravagant blessing of all.

I pray we’ll all see and appreciate the blessings of God—we’re far more prosperous than we ever imagined.

Can you say, ‘Amen’?

enCompass Church

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